The only personal information this website processes is the one that you provide when you fill out our contact form or contact us through email or phone. This information is only used for the purpose of being able to get in contact with you. If you choose to become a customer of Ps Retail, we will save some of your personal information, such as your name, business name, organisation number, email adress, phone number and physical adress. This information is simply used to facilitate our cooperation. If you do not wish to become a customer, your information will be deleted immediately.

Ps Retail will never share your personal information with a third party.

COOKIES uses cookies to facilitate your next website visit. A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer when you visit a website. A session cookie is not stores and will disappear when you leave the website, whilst other cookies are being stored during a longer period of time. Cookies enable us to ensure that you will receive a pleasant experience on websites. It will provide us with information about how our visitors navigate our site, and makes it possible for us to track statistics about our website. This is completely anonymous and we will never be able to track usage back to you.

Contact us at if you have questions about what information we store.